Thursday, November 27, 2008

Readers' Theatre Costumes: Ustas A Carrier Story

For my Drama unit, I had the students perform a Carrier play. I used the idea of Readers’ Theater, and I had the students work in groups of 5-6, (I assigned groups & assigned characters to save time). After lessons, I had the students write on a sticky note 3 characters that they wanted to play next time, so I knew who they wanted to play. This approach was successful for me and my practicum class.

I had the students read through the play once before I assigned them props. I kept the costumes simple: Ustas (main character): plaid shirt, cow boy hat, cloth; Gwezeh: black cape with brown feathers, Yus: plaid shirt, cloth; Molly & Minnie: shall, necklace, basket; Lahal Players: moccasins and skin coat; man: rope, plaid shirt, cloth cowboy hat, belt; Swans: white feathers.


Unknown said...

Sounds like fun Casey, did the students like it?

Casey said...

Every morning when the students would look at the shape of the day (the schedule) they would always look for Readers' Theatre. If they did not see RT they would hound me with questions about when they would be doing RT.

Willow Brown said...

Cool! Costumes integrate visual arts with drama and help students "live" the characters. I'm glad that you had such a rewarding experience with student enthusiasm.