Friday, November 28, 2008

Daphne Odjig

Daphne Odjig is a legendary First Nations female artist. In FNST 498 Indigenous Women Artist I wrote an essay about her life and experiences as an artist. Daphne Odjig was born with a paint brush in her hands, and her creative expression and love for art was inspired by her grand-father and father. I was so fascinated by her life and her passion. I found the resource Odjig by Bob Boyer to be an excellence resource because it was similar to the scribe and mistrals idea: beside each of her pictures was a quote about the paining or about her experiences The idea behind creating the platform for scribes and mistrals using Odjg will be valuable resource to teach to my students. I plan to use the project, as well as the puzzle pieces for my next practicum. Her choice of designs and colours do not only reflect First Nations art, but can be used to inspire individual creativity.


Mike said...

I struggle with George Bernard Shaw's statement, "The medium is the message," but I think the format for your research platform is an excellent example of what he meant. Great job of thinking outside the box!

Willow Brown said...

I thought that medium/message quote was a classic from Marshall McCluhan, the communications guru. I think Mike is complimenting your puzzle format. If so, is the "message" one of collaboration, if different people do different parts of the puzzle? I am pleased you posted this photo and text as a reminder of your project. Thanks for introducing most of us to this important artist.